All88027 Products
$ 703.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER 5 SPEED XL RIBBED RAWProduct Type: Ribster Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCXL/R/RDescription: Add a classic custom look to your ride with these EMD outer primary covers. They are made of cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise, leak free fitment.Features: Add your personal touch by polishing...
$ 731.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER 5 SPEED XL RIBBED BLACKProduct Type: Ribster Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCXL/R/BDescription: Add a classic custom look to your ride with these EMD outer primary covers. They are made of cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise, leak free fitment.Features: Add your personal touch by polishing...
$ 703.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL RIBBED RAWProduct Type: Ribster Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCXLI/R/RDescription: Add a classic custom look to your ride with these EMD outer primary covers. They are made of cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise, leak free fitment.Features: Add your personal touch by polishing...
$ 731.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL RIBBED BLACKProduct Type: Ribster Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCXLI/R/BDescription: Add a classic custom look to your ride with these EMD outer primary covers. They are made of cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise, leak free fitment.Features: Add your personal touch by polishing...
$ 178.95
Product Name: CAM COVER 91-UP XL RIBBED RAWProduct Type: Sportster Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCXL/R/RDescription: Featuring a raised rib design, this cast aluminum 'second skin' cam cover trim fits over your OEM cam cover. It is held in place with three supplied Allen bolts and spacers. The EMD cam cover trim can...
$ 195.95
Product Name: CAM COVER 91-UP XL RIBBED BLACKProduct Type: Sportster Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCXL/R/BDescription: Featuring a raised rib design, this cast aluminum 'second skin' cam cover trim fits over your OEM cam cover. It is held in place with three supplied Allen bolts and spacers. The EMD cam cover trim can...
$ 328.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL RIBBED RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXLI/R/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 350.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL RIBBED BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXLI/R/BDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 350.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO 1340 RIBBED BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RC13/R/BDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 328.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO XL RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXL/R/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other EMD...
$ 527.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO XL IRONHEAD RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXL/I/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 582.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO XL IRONHEAD BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXL/I/BDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 350.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO XL BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXL/R/BDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other EMD...
$ 582.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL IRONHEAD BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXLI/I/BDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 527.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO 1340 IRONHEAD RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RC13/I/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 328.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO 1340 RIBBED RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RC13/R/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 582.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO 1340 IRONHEAD BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RC13/I/BDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 527.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO XL XR RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXL/XR/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 375.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER TWIN CAM BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCTC/R/BDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other EMD...
$ 582.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL XR BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXLI/XR/BCDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 178.95
Product Name: KNUCK/PAN STYL CAM COVER RAW 1991-UP XLProduct Type: Sportster Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCXL/K/RDescription: Featuring a raised rib design, this cast aluminum 'second skin' cam cover trim fits over your OEM cam cover. It is held in place with three supplied Allen bolts and spacers. The EMD cam cover trim...
$ 178.95
Product Name: RIBSTER CAM COVER RAW 1977-90 XLProduct Type: Sportster Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCXL/I/RDescription: Featuring a raised rib design, this cast aluminum 'second skin' cam cover trim fits over your OEM cam cover. It is held in place with three supplied Allen bolts and spacers. The EMD cam cover trim can...
$ 328.95
Product Name: SHERMAN ROCKER COVERS RAW 99-UP TWIN CAMProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCTC/SH/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 366.95
Product Name: SHERMAN ROCKER COVERS BLK 99-UP TWIN CAMProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCTC/SH/BCDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 527.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL IRONHEAD RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXLI/I/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 230.95
Product Name: RIBSTER SPROCKET COVER BLK 04-UP XLProduct Type: Sportster Sprocket CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: SCXLI/R/BDescription: Featuring a raised rib design to match the EMD Cam Cover Trim, the EMD Sprocket Cover provides a much-needed finishing touch to any custom Sportster for that 'split transmission' look. The Sprocket Cover is a direct bolt-on...
$ 582.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER EVO XL XR BLACKProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXL/XR/BCDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with other...
$ 527.95
Product Name: ROCKER COVER RUBBER MOUNT XL XR RAWProduct Type: Rocker CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: RCXLI/XR/RDescription: Dress up your motor and give it a custom old school look with these EMD upper rocker covers. Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined for precise fit.Features: Covers sold in pairs Look great with...
$ 195.95
Product Name: KNUCK/PAN STYL CAM COVER BLK 1991-UP XLProduct Type: Sportster Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCXL/K/BDescription: Featuring a raised rib design, this cast aluminum 'second skin' cam cover trim fits over your OEM cam cover. It is held in place with three supplied Allen bolts and spacers. The EMD cam cover trim...
$ 771.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER FLT 6SPD BLACK CUTProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCTC/JD/BCDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of...
$ 703.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER FLT 6SPD RIBBED RAWProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCTC/T/R/RDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of...
$ 195.95
Product Name: RIBSTER CAM COVER BLK 1977-90 XLProduct Type: Sportster Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCXL/I/BDescription: Featuring a raised rib design, this cast aluminum 'second skin' cam cover trim fits over your OEM cam cover. It is held in place with three supplied Allen bolts and spacers. The EMD cam cover trim can...
$ 703.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER SOFTAIL 6SPD RAWProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCTC/S/R/RDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of choppers....
$ 731.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER SOFTAIL 6SPD BLACKProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCTC/S/R/BDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of choppers....
$ 703.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER DYNA RIBBED RAWProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCTC/D/R/RDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of choppers....
$ 219.95
Product Name: RIBSTER SPROCKET COVER RAW 04-UP XLProduct Type: Sportster Sprocket CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: SCXLI/R/RDescription: Featuring a raised rib design to match the EMD Cam Cover Trim, the EMD Sprocket Cover provides a much-needed finishing touch to any custom Sportster for that 'split transmission' look. The Sprocket Cover is a direct bolt-on...
$ 731.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER DYNA RIBBED BLACKProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCTC/D/R/BDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of choppers....
$ 230.95
Product Name: RIBSTER SPROCKET COVER BLK 91-03 XLProduct Type: Sportster Sprocket CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: SCXL/R/BDescription: Featuring a raised rib design to match the EMD Cam Cover Trim, the EMD Sprocket Cover provides a much-needed finishing touch to any custom Sportster for that 'split transmission' look. The Sprocket Cover is a direct bolt-on...
$ 731.95
Product Name: BILLY PRIMARY COVER 5SPD DYNA BLACK W/ CHROME DERBYProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PC13TC/D/BB/BDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the...
$ 494.95
Product Name: ELECTRIC KICKER RAW 91-03 XL MODELSProduct Type: Electric Kicker Sprocket CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: KEXL/R/RDescription: Designed to fit ’91-Up Sportsters, the EMD Electric Kick and Sprocket cover combo allows the activation of your electric start with a traditional kicker. It must be wired to your wiring harness. The kit comes with...
$ 219.95
Product Name: GEAR BOX COVER 6 SPD TC RAWProduct Type: Ribbed Transmission Side CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: GB6TC/R/RDescription: Designed to match the various other ribbed EMD primary and engine to covers to complete the chopper look for your ride!Features: Manufactured in die cast aluminum, CNC milled gasket surface OEM Mounting Hardware reusable...
$ 494.95
Product Name: ELECTRIC KICKER RAW 04-UP XL MODELSProduct Type: Electric Kicker Sprocket CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: KEXLI/R/RDescription: Designed to fit ’91-Up Sportsters, the EMD Electric Kick and Sprocket cover combo allows the activation of your electric start with a traditional kicker. It must be wired to your wiring harness. The kit comes with...
$ 262.95
Product Name: CAM COVER TWIN CAM RAWProduct Type: Ribbed Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCTC/R/RDescription: Ribbed EMD covers are the real alternative to the cold, rigid and old fashioned “Billet” style…they will give your engine the soul and the charisma of yesteryear choppers.Features: Manufactured in die cast aluminum, CNC milled gasket surface...
$ 273.95
Product Name: CAM COVER TWIN CAM BLACKProduct Type: Ribbed Cam CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: CCTC/R/BDescription: Ribbed EMD covers are the real alternative to the cold, rigid and old fashioned “Billet” style…they will give your engine the soul and the charisma of yesteryear choppers.Features: Manufactured in die cast aluminum, CNC milled gasket surface...
$ 438.95
Product Name: FORK TUBE BOMBSHELL 49 RAWProduct Type: Fork CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part
Number: FTC/B49/RFeatures:
Die cast aluminum fork tube covers mount between the stock upper and lower triple tree
Available for 49mm front ends
Ribs can be polished or accented to add a custom touch
$ 731.95
Product Name: PRIMARY COVER FLT 6SPD RIBBED BLACKProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PCTC/T/R/BDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of...
$ 164.95
Product Name: WHEEL DISC TOY BLACKProduct Type: Toy Wheel CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: TOY/16/BFeatures: "Toy" wheel covers turn any 16" spoke wheel into an old school solid disc wheel Sold in pairs Requires drilling for valve stem clearance and fasteners Use three threaded rods and acorn nuts to sandwich the wheel covers...
$ 121.95
Product Name: HEAD LAMP VITAMIN A RAWProduct Type: Headlight ShellBrand: EMDMFG Part
Number: HL/VA/RFeatures:
Transforms the look of your headlight without the expense of a complete custom headlamp
Reuses the stock headlight trim ring and insert from your 5 3/4" Sportster or Dyna
Made from cast aluminum and then CNC machined
$ 703.95
Product Name: BILLY PRIMARY CVR 5SPD SOFTAIL RAWProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PC13TC/S/BB/RDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of...
$ 703.95
Product Name: BILLY PRIMARY COVER 5SPD DYNA RAWProduct Type: Primary CoverBrand: EMDMFG Part Number: PC13TC/D/BB/RDescription: The EMD/Billy Boy primary cover is directly inspired by the design of the Panhead/Knuchlehead tin primary cover housings from the Forties. The Snatch primary cover design is inspired by the finned primary covers from the golden age of...