All88029 Products
$ 27.99
Product Name: SCREW STYLE ANCHOR SYSTEMProduct Type: Screw Style Anchor SystemBrand: KWIK TEKMFG Part
Number: A-3Features:
Just screw the zinc plated anchor into the beach
Giant snap hooks and 25 feet of purple/yellow/red rope
Padded nylon storage case protects watercraft and boats while stowed and dampens noise even when choppy
$ 22.99
Product Name: TELESCOPING PADDLE 20-45"Product Type: Telescoping PaddleBrand: KWIK TEKMFG Part Number: P-1Features: Meets U.S. Coast Guard approval Lightweight paddle adjusts easily to variable lengths with a simple twist Telescopes down to 20” to help fit into storage compartments Bright orange blade is great for signaling emergencies Good safe way to paddle...