Brakes4571 Products
Brake Calipers Rotors Master Cylinders Lines Pads and Other Motorcycle Brake Components
$ 42.95
Product Name: BRAKE ROTOR HONEProduct Type: Brake Rotor HoneBrand: PERFORMANCE TOOLMFG Part
Number: W80629Features:
Use to de-glaze and score a cross hatch pattern on the surface of brake rotors
¼" Mandrel, use with most hand drills (500 to 600 working RPM)
2½" diameter, 120 grit flexible ball stones
$ 41.95
Product Name: VACUUM PUMP/BRAKE BLEEDER KITProduct Type: Vacuum Pump/Brake Bleeder KitBrand: PERFORMANCE TOOLMFG Part Number: W87031Features: One person brake bleeding and vacuum diagnostic test kit. Vacuum tool can test and diagnose a wide variety of parts and common systems on any vehicle. Complete kit includes accessories for both brake bleeding and automotive/powersports...