Honda OEM389 Products

$ 99.00
Brand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   12010-MCJ-000Condition Description:    For parts. Item has Been Sitting around for a while. Rust is visible on Valves and Shim Caps. NO Major Damage, cracks, or Breaks. Mounting points are in Good Condition. Condition Scale (1-10):    7
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$ 21.34
Brand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   14210-MFJ-D00Color:    OEMMaterial:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Good Used Part, NO Major Damage, Cracks, or Bends. Mounting points are in good condition. NO Major groves are scratches visable. One lob has some minor hot spots. Item was removed from engine with 7,697Miles, and blown head gasket. Condition Scale...
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$ 119.00
Brand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   N/AColor:    OEMMaterial:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Good Used Part, Some Damage is visable internally. A Couple of valve caps have rust visable on them. Further inspection is recommended before installing on your vehicle. Item had a bad head gasket with 7,697 Mi. NO Other Major Damage, Cracks...
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$ 25.00
Removed From:   1997 Honda CBR600F3Brand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   14110-MAL-600, 14210-MAL-600Color:    GreyMaterial:    SteelCondition Description:    Great Used Part, As Pictured.Condition Scale (1-10):    9
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$ 19.00
Removed From:   2007 Honda CBR600RRBrand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   14520-MEE-003Color:    GreyMaterial:    AluminumCondition Description:    Excellent Used Condition, As Pictured.Condition Scale (1-10):    9.5
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$ 19.00
Removed From:   2007 Honda CBR600RRBrand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   14520-MEE-003Color:    GreyMaterial:    AluminumCondition Description:    Excellent Used Condition, As Pictured.Condition Scale (1-10):    9.5
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