Motorcycle42773 Products
$ 59.95
Product Name: 120/90-10 66J BIAS TL 120/90-10 66J BIASProduct Type: SR426 TireBrand: SHINKOMFG Part
Number: 87-4190Description:
The SR426 is a quality alternative OEM replacement for Yamaha Zuma scooters or other models with 10 inch front and rear tires.Features:
4 ply construction
DOT Approved
$ 67.95
Product Name: SHINKO 130/90-10 SR426 SERIES 130/90-10 70J BIAS TLProduct Type: SR426 TireBrand: SHINKOMFG Part
Number: 87-4191Description:
The SR426 is a quality alternative OEM replacement for Yamaha Zuma scooters or other models with 10 inch front and rear tires.Features:
4 ply construction
DOT Approved