Offroad40308 Products
$ 7.50
Product Name: FUEL LINE CLAMPING PLIERSProduct Type: Fuel Line Clamping PliersBrand: FIRE POWERMFG Part
Number: 0107568 100MPFeatures:
Clamps fuel and vacuum lines 1/8" to 3/8"
Specially designed jaws will not damage internal hose lining
$ 54.99
Product Name: AUXILIARY TANKProduct Type: Auxiliary TankBrand: MOTION PROMFG Part Number: 08-0032Features: For shop use when turning with gas tank off bike; takes place of regular gas tank while running machine Includes 4 feet of 1/4" fuel line and in line petcock If using with fuel injected bike use a T-fitting and...
$ 96.99
Product Name: DELUXE AUXILIARY TANKProduct Type: Deluxe Auxiliary TankBrand: MOTION PROMFG Part Number: 08-0189Features: For use with fuel injected models with external fuel pumps as well as standard carburetor equipped motorcycles Upgraded petcock for easier opening and closing Built-in fuel return line and breather on cap for use on fuel injected motorcycles...