Offroad40308 Products

$ 27.95
Product Name:   KREEM FUEL TANK LINERProduct Type:   Fuel Tank LinerBrand:   KREEMMFG Part Number:   1010Features:     1 pint. Sold each. Produces a ‘‘tank within a tank’’, a tough lining that protects from rust and corrosion. Approximately 1 pint is required per three gals of tank capacity.
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$ 51.95
Product Name:   KREEM COMBO PACKProduct Type:   Combo PackBrand:   KREEMMFG Part Number:   1210Features:    Contains 1 pint Fuel Tank Liner, 1 pint Tank Prep A, 1/2 pint Tank Prep B. Enough for complete treatment of average size tanks. Shrink wrapped for convenience.
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$ 25.95
Product Name:   KREEM TANK PREPProduct Type:   Tank PrepBrand:   KREEMMFG Part Number:   1110Features:    Contains 1 pint Prep A, 1/2 pint Prep B. Prep A is a concentrated cleaner that dissolves rust and etches the tank surface. Prep B is a final rinse and conditioner to prepare the tank for KREEM liner.
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$ 22.95
Product Name:   KREEM TANK MASKProduct Type:   Tank MaskBrand:   KREEMMFG Part Number:   1610Features:    Contains 1/2 pint of protective coating to be used on the outside painted surface of fuel tank while using KREEM tank liner. Washes off easily with soap and water.
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