
Offroad40308 Products

$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 1-1/8" BLUProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   BLUE MK-BU-118Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 1-1/8" BLKProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   BLACK MK-BL-118Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 1-1/8" REDProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   RED MK-RE-118Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 1-1/8" SILProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   SILVER MK-SI-118Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 7/8" BLUProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   BLUE MK-BU-78Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 7/8" BLKProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   BLACK MK-BL-78Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 7/8" REDProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   RED MK-R-78Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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$ 59.95
Product Name:   BAR CLAMPS RUBBER MOUNTED 7/8" SILProduct Type:   Rubber Mounted ClampBrand:   MIKA METALSMFG Part Number:   SILVER MK-SI-78Description:   Mika Metals Universal Rubber Mounted Clamps are made from 7075 Aluminum and are designed to replace the stock 7/8 or 1 1/8 bar mounts. They are CNC precision machined and allow for the use any...
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