Oil & Fluids1106 Products
$ 10.43
Product Name: PREMIUM OFFROAD 4T 10W40 1 LTProduct Type: Premium Off-Road 4T OilBrand: SPECTROMFG Part
Number: L.O14Features:
Designed for punishing temperatures and high gearbox loads
Single cylinder engines benefit from exclusive ZDDP additive
Exceeds manufacturers warranty requirments
Exceeds A.P.I. SL/JASO MA/MA2
$ 10.78
Product Name: PREMIUM OFFROAD 4T 20W50 1 LTProduct Type: Premium Off-Road 4T OilBrand: SPECTROMFG Part
Number: L.O25Features:
Designed for punishing temperatures and high gearbox loads
Single cylinder engines benefit from exclusive ZDDP additive
Exceeds manufacturers warranty requirments
Exceeds A.P.I. SL/JASO MA/MA2