Oil & Fluids1106 Products

$ 5.99
Product Name:   COMPLETE FUEL SYSTEM CLEANER 4OZProduct Type:   Fuel System CleanerBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   60102Features:     Concentrated, high-temp detergents clean your carburetors or fuel injectors, fuel lines, tank, intake valves, combustion chambers, fouled plugs Improves fuel economy, throttle response, hesitation and stalling Compatible with both pump gas and race fuel, pre-mixed or...
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$ 17.95
Product Name:   DOT 4 BRAKE FLUID 16OZProduct Type:   DOT 4 Brake FluidBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   90402Features:     Safeguards against vapor lock and brake fading Blends with and meets specifications of DOT 3, DOT 4, DOT 5.1 604 degrees Fahrenheit dry, 400 degrees Fahrenheit wet
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$ 67.95
Product Name:   SNOWMOBILE OIL 1GALProduct Type:   2-Stroke Snowmobile OilBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   41005Features:     Low-smoke formula Bio-degradable Excellent cold flow, injects down to -40º F Superior rust protection, adapts to latest pump fuels Used as both a pre-mix and as an injected oil
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$ 9.95
Product Name:   2 STROKE SMOKELESS OIL 16OZProduct Type:   2 Stroke Smokeless OilBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   40903Features:     Smoke is virtually non-existent with this blend Not for use where NMMA TC-W3 lubricants are recommended Works in both premix or injection systems
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$ 9.95
Product Name:   2 STROKE ALL SPORT OIL 16OZProduct Type:   2 Stroke All Sport OilBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   40803Features:     Low-cost biodegradable product Designed for engines which require a low-ash oil Not for use where TC-W oils are recommended Up to 3% more power and significantly better bearing life antiscuff additives to prevent...
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$ 11.95
Product Name:   WATER WETTER 12OZProduct Type:   Water Wetter CoolantBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   80204Features:     Unique agent for cooling systems that doubles the wetting ability of water Rust and corrosion protection allows for use of straight water in racing or reduced antifreeze levels in warm climates Improves heat transfer and reduces cylinder head...
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$ 22.95
Product Name:   SUPERCOOL-WATER WETTER 1/2GALProduct Type:   Super Cool CoolantBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   80205Features:     Convenient, pre-mixed coolant for motorcycles, ATV/UTVs snowmobiles Blended with purified, de-ionized water and proper Water Wetter percentage Satisfies ASTM D2570 and ASTM D1384 corrosion tests for glycol-based antifreezes
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$ 133.95
Product Name:   UTV/ATV 10W50 POWER PACKProduct Type:   UTV/ATV Power PackBrand:   RED LINEMFG Part Number:   90220Features:     POWER PACK is a convenient and cost savings kit for Polaris 2008+ ATVs, 2009+ RZRs and 2010+ Rangers POWER PACK KIT includes; 3 qts 10W50 motor oil, 2 qts Gear case oil, 1-12 oz Water Wetter, 1-...
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