Oil & Fluids

Oil & Fluids1106 Products

$ 21.95
Product Name:   STAR COOL SYNTHETIC ENGINE COOLANT 64OZProduct Type:   Synthetic Engine CoolantBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   33264Features:     Utilizes Star Brite's revolutionalry PCT additive package which is designed to maintain an engine's optimum operating temperature in order to develop maximum horsepower Allows engines to quickly reach and maintain proper temperature and reduce operating...
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$ 21.95
Product Name:   CORROSION BLOCKER 22OZProduct Type:   Corrosion Blocker SprayBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   095422Features:     Provides an invisible, long lasting, non-sticky barrier to corrosion Protects engines, wiring terminals, metal hardware and more Safe for all metal surfaces, displaces moisture Provides a non-conductive dielectric coating
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$ 12.95
Product Name:   XTREME CLEAN 22 OZProduct Type:   Xtreme Clean SprayBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   83222PFeatures:     Engineered to remove the toughest dirt, grime and greasy stains Formulated to clean vinyl, fiberglass, plastic, rubber, metal carpets and more
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$ 16.95
Product Name:   BIKE GUARD DETAILER 22 OZProduct Type:   Bike Guard Detailer SprayBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   98022Features:     Cleans and adds shine to all fiberglass, metal, chrome and painted surfaces Removes bug debris, grime, grease, dirt and water spots Protective polymers repel UV rays
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$ 8.95
Product Name:   TRAILER WHEEL BEARING GREASE 14OZProduct Type:   Wheel Bearing GreaseBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   026014Features:     Excellent corrosion protection from salt water and atmosperic chemicals Water insoluble formula resists water wash out Highly recommended for all marine applications, trailer wheel bearings and most all other applications where a high quality grease is...
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$ 13.50
Product Name:   WHITE LITHIUM GREASE 14OZProduct Type:   White Lithium GreaseBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   026214Features:     Ideal use for marine, powersport and automotive applications Can be used to lubricate plastic components Helps prevent corrosion Fits most standard grease guns
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$ 13.50
Product Name:   LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE BLACK 4 OZProduct Type:   Liquid Electrical TapeBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   084104BFeatures:     Forms a protective, waterproof, UV resistant dielectric coating Prevents corrosion on wires and terminals Flexible and fire resistant Patented UL® tested fast drying formula Dries to the touch in 10 minutes, fully cures in 24...
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$ 11.50
Product Name:   GREASE GUN EXTENSION HOSE W/NOZZLE 12INProduct Type:   Grease Gun Extension HoseBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   028800
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$ 16.95
Product Name:   WATER SPOT REMOVER 22OZProduct Type:   Water Spot Remover SprayBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   092022PFeatures:     Instantly removes stubborn water spots Works on fiberglass, metal and painted surfaces Spray on, wipe off formula Non toxic and non abrasive
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$ 13.95
Product Name:   MATTE FINISH DETAILER 22 OZProduct Type:   Matte Finish Detailer SprayBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   98122Features:     Silicone and wax free alkaline neutral formula cleans all matte, denim, satin and all other non-glossy finishes and surfaces Removes road grime, fingerprints, grease, bug deposits and more PTEF polymers leave a protective, invisible, non-glossy,...
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$ 56.95
Product Name:   MAGIC SPONGE 18 DISPLAY BOXProduct Type:   Magic SpongeBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   41018Features:     Ultimate all-purpose, all surface stain buster Removes ground in dirt, gummy residue, soap scum, ink, paint, tarnish, mildew stains and MORE Nano-sized scrubbers deliver powerful cleaning action without bleach Removes light scuffs and streaks from vinyl, plastic...
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$ 12.50
Product Name:   SNAP-ZIPPER LUBE 12/CASEProduct Type:   Snap & Zipper LubricantBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   89102Features:     Non-toxic, non-staining Will not wash off Protects from -65F to +650F Reduces wear and friction
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$ 31.95
Product Name:   FABRIC GUARD 6/CASEProduct Type:   Fabric Guard SprayBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   97532Features:     Protects and preserves all outdoor fabrics Helps prevent stains and UV damage Will not affect color Maintains original feel and breathability
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$ 12.95
Product Name:   MILDEW STAIN REMOVER 6/CASEProduct Type:   Mildew Stain RemoverBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   98616Features:     Fast acting GEL Formula stays on stains longer-reducing scrubbing Safe for use on fiberglass, plastic, tile and grout Works well on most fabrics and all vinyl surfaces
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$ 11.95
Product Name:   FIBERGLASS STAIN REMOVER 6/CASEProduct Type:   Fiberglass Stain RemoverBrand:   STAR BRITEMFG Part Number:   98916Features:     GEL Formula clings where applied Remains where sprayed for maximum cleaning power Dissolves rust stains, fish blood, dried leaf spots and other tough and unsightly marks
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