SLP252 Products

$ 370.95
Product Name:   POWER CMNDR AUTO TUNEProduct Type:   Power Commander Auto TuneBrand:   SLPMFG Part Number:   70-126Description:   Auto Tune is another helpful tuning aid. Allows user to program a target O2 map into the module based on throttle position and RPM. When connected and turned on, fueling will self adjust to achieve the target O2...
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$ 529.95
Product Name:   WIDEBAND 2Product Type:   Wideband 2 w/POD-300 DisplayBrand:   SLPMFG Part Number:   70-176Description:   This wideband 02 gauge is an extremely accurate and capable unit. Complete with it's own POD-300 Digital Display, it makes precision fuel injection tuning easy. It allows the user to monitor and record O2, throttle position, RPM, and one other...
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$ 241.99
Product Name:   POD 300 DISPLAYProduct Type:   POD-300 DisplayBrand:   SLPMFG Part Number:   70-175Description:   The POD-300 is an accessory display for Dynojet devices that support DJ-CAN; including the popular Power Commander V, Autotune, WideBand 2, and CMD. Simply connect the included CAN cable and you're reay to go; there's no need to tap power or...
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