Honda OEM389 Products

$ 15.00
Removed From:   2001 Honda CBR929RRBrand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   31200-MV9-671Material:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Great Used Part, No Damage, Cracks, or Leaks. Starter Spins Freely. Some Minor Rust is visable. Condition Scale (1-10):    9
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$ 69.00
Brand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   31200-MFJ-D01Material:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Great Used Part, NO Major Damage, Cracks, or Breaks. All mounting points are in good condition. Spline is in great condition, also plug inputs are in great condition. Some Minor Residue visable on outside of item. Condition Scale (1-10):    0
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$ 99.00
Removed From:   2008 Honda CBR1000RRBrand/Manufacturer:   Honda OEMMFG Part Number:   31200-MFL-003Material:    OEMDimensions:    OEMCondition Description:    Great Used Part, NO Major Damage, Cracks, or Breaks. Mounting points are in good condition. Splins are in good condition, item spins smoothly. NO Major Rust or Corrosion visable. Condition Scale (1-10):    9
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